Psychotherapy and Couples Counseling in English and Spanish
Juni 29, 2019
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00 49 1577 888 5449
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I don’t feel loved…What can I do about it?
Now and then, at least one person in couples complains that she or he doesn’t feel loved by their partner as much as they would like. Does that sound familiar to you?
First ask yourself, what does it feel like to be loved and how am I showing my love to my partner.
In which moments in life did you feel loved the most?
It may be, that the love you are showing is not received by your partner and the love your partner is sending you might not be seen by you. How is that?
According to Dr. Gary Chapman, author of “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts”, there are 5 different languages of love. Key to a happy and lasting relationship is understanding the languages of your partner and also showing a variety of love languages.
I want to give you a short intro in what those languages are:
Words of affection
Some people show their love by communicating it. This can done by a compliment or an appreciative thank you to your partner.
Physical Touch
Love can also be communicated on a physical level through holding hands, kisses or intimacy.
Acts of Service
Doing something nice for your partner, for example cleaning the dishes or cooking something nice.
For some people the easiest way to show their love is through gifts. It might be a bunch of flowers, a new ring or that cook book you wanted.
Quality Time
Plan activities together and focus on each other, while doing them. After a while couples tend to take each other for granted. Planning quality time can help to keep the spark up.
Every person rates on a different level in each love language. For some people it might be key to a relationship to talk about feelings and showing love through words of affection. For others it might be hard or unnecessary to talk about feelings and they rather show it through gifts.
If a couple has very different ideas of how to show love this might be a reason for conflicts. It helps to understand that there are those different ways of showing love and to learn, which communication channel of love your partner is using.